"The process of becoming a Full Member takes time, but it is worth it. I would be remiss if I did not mention the benefit of having another site to advertise on via the public member directory profiles; the price of a UCIEP membership is nothing compared to other third-party advertising sites." - Jason Romano, University of Illinois Chicago."

  1. If you're interested in becoming a member, click here to check your eligibility.
  2. After submission, the eligibility form will provide you a link to register in our database. Register as a prospective Associate Member while we review your eligibility. 
  3. Wait for a confirmation email confirming your eligibility. After the online eligibility and new member registration forms are submitted, a member of our volunteer board will contact you.
    • They will provide you with the paper Membership Application and with more information on the process.
      • Most members begin as an Associate Member while the UCIEP Board reviews your application. 
      • Associate Members have access to the UCIEP Member's Area, which has a multitude of resources. Institution Profiles, however, are not made public until your full membership status has been conferred.
      • If eligible for Full Membership, you may choose to apply initially as a Full Member so you don't have to pay the Associate Membership fee. Please note that if you choose to bypass the Associate Member status, you do not gain access to the UCIEP network for support until you have completely finished the application, passed the site visit, and been voted in from the Board.
  4. Pay the membership fee if you do not choose to wait until becoming a Full Member.

5. Begin filling out the paper Membership Application.

  • Associate Membership status allows a maximum of three years to achieve meeting all guidelines and become a Full Member.
  • Associate Members do not receive a publicly available UCIEP profile until they achieve Full Member status.
  • Associate Members are encouraged to submit their completed paper application before the three-year period. Their UCIEP profile will be made public when the UCIEP Board approves Full Member status.
  • Associate members who do not meet guidelines during the three year period may not be renewed. 

6. After you have completed and returned the application, it will be reviewed by the UCIEP Board, and if all seems in order, a site visit will be scheduled.

  • A one-time payment (currently $2,000) for the site visit will be collected.
  • If the site visit is favorable, the Board will make a recommendation for Full Member status at one of its Board meetings in February, June, or October. 
  • When switched to Full Member, their UCIEP profile will become public.