UCIEP Welcomes Partnerships 

UCIEP and its members are always interested in considering new partnership opportunities. Some opportunities UCIEP may consider include...

  • Educational Product/Software Development, Demonstration, and Sales
  • Educational Grant Information and Support
  • Student Recruitment and Placement Agencies/Agents/Networks
  • Student Recruitment Fair Opportunities (Travel and Virtual)
  • Student Mobility to the US (Universities/Colleges/Other Institutions)
    • Short Term Programs, Study Abroad Programs, Custom Programs, Youth Programs, Recreational Courses of Study
  • Faculty/Administrator/Research Exchanges
  • Educational Advocacy Networks

Why Partner with UCIEP?

UCIEP is a network of over 60 university and college English language programs in the United States.  *Partnering with UCIEP opens the opportunity for contact and collaboration with its entire network - full and associate members. Collaborations with UCIEP members ensures partners work with well-established and reputable university/college programs as UCIEP universities/colleges have to meet the following criteria in order to be full members:

  • UCIEP institutions provide students with access to resources beyond the classroom.
  • UCIEP institutions have a core full-time faculty with training at the master’s level or above who regularly participate in professional development.
  • UCIEP institutions have a curriculum that is informed by best practice in the field and consistently reviewed.
  • UCIEP directors are trained in language and teaching which guides the programs effectively.

*Partnerships with UCIEP are not intended to endorse/certify associations or their members.  Partners are also not exclusive; UCIEP considers all opportunities that support the mission and values of UCIEP as well as expand connections for our members.